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Home› Cultures› Cambodia› Cultural Differences› Religion


Cambodian Culture American Majority Culture

Theraveda Buddhism is the majority religion. The Cham minority practices Islam and about 60,000 are considered Christians (Hooker, 1996).

Protestantism is the majority religion. Many religions are represented in the United States. It is also possible to find worship services in a variety of languages.

The Khmer Rouge destroyed most of the temples, killed monks and tried to eliminate their practice and beliefs. In 1989, the government declared that the Buddhist religion was once again the country’s main religion. The belief in Buddhist principles and teachings often dominate everyday life.

There is separation between Church and States. Religious symbols are not displayed in public buildings, including public schools. Religion does not interfere with teaching in the public school settings. Religious symbols are not displayed in public buildings, including public schools. Religion in public schools is studied as a subject in the upper grades, but its symbols are not displayed.
Upon the death of a close relative, family members, including children, may wear black to express mourning. In addition, some children may also wear a black scarf on their heads when mourning is for a mother or a father. Death of a close relative or family member is generally mourned for one week. Special clothing to mark mourning is not worn outside the traditional services.

In the U.S., Buddhist temples have sprung up in areas with a large concentration of Cambodians, and many Cambodians are trying to bring back the teachings of Buddhism in their daily lives. These beliefs are generally believed to have helped Cambodians survive the incredible hardships that generations have endured. (Brigham Young University, 2003).

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