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Puerto Rican Culture American Majority Culture
Roman Catholicism is the principal religion in Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans are very devout (Rivera-Schoendorf, n.d.) However, some revivalist sects, particularly Pentecostals and Jehovah’s Witnesses, have made inroads, especially with people of a lower socio-economic class. Many of the religious ceremonies are part of family gatherings and are the center of the gathering (Rivera-Schoendorf n.d.).
Although Protestantism is the majority religion, many religions are represented in the United States. There is separation between church and state.
There is freedom of religion. However, religious celebrations may influence or be associated with certain areas of teaching. Classrooms may display religious symbols such as the cross. There is separation between Church and State. Religious symbols are not displayed in public buildings, including public schools. Religion does not play a part in the public school setting.
Puerto Ricans celebrate Noche Buena (Christmas Eve). In addition, many celebrate from Christmas until the Epiphany on January 6th, which celebrates the arrival of the three kings bearing gifts to Jesus Christ at the time of his birth. The festival of Los Tres Reyes Magos is one of the most important Puerto Rican religious traditions (Religion, 2004). Christmas is generally celebrated on one day, December 25th. Many people also celebrate Christmas Eve with a special dinner.
Upon the death of a close relative, family members, including children, may wear black to express mourning. In addition, some children may also wear a black scarf on their heads as a sign of mourning for a mother or a father. Traditionally, loved ones used to save a lock of the deceased’s hair to keep as a remembrance. Death of a close relative or family member is generally mourned for one week. Special clothing to mark mourning is not worn outside the traditional services.
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