Spanish Spelling
Spelling in Spanish is a much easier process of encoding
language than English due to its high degree of consistency
between letters and sounds. Literate Spanish-speaking students
who are writing in English will use what they know from the
encoding process in Spanish. See stages of spelling in dual
language. According to Dalbor (1997), the spelling of consonants
and combination of consonants is the same as the individual
phonemes themselves that make up the word.
Implications for Spelling
in English
Spelling miscues are not unique to those who are learning
English as a second language. Native English speakers with
learning differences may demonstrate difficulty with spelling.
Native Spanish speakers may demonstrate similar traits when
spelling English words, but for a different reason. Depending
on the level of English
proficiency, they may apply their knowledge of Spanish
orthography to English (“fich” for “fish”).
Over time, as children progress
in their language acquisition/learning, the influence of Spanish
on English disappears. It is important for educators to realize
that this is normal and predictable, and it should not be
confused with any type of learning disability. Thus, it is
essential to analyze the more common American-English
spelling miscues and determine which are from a Spanish language
background (English Orthography, n.d.).
Graphic representation of stages of spelling development
in a student that is literate in Spanish or Portuguese and
learning English.
A Spanish or Portuguese speaking student at the conventional
spelling stage in Spanish or Portuguese will enter English
spelling at the transitional stage. |
L1 (Spanish/Port) |
L2 (English) |
Stages of Spelling Development-Dual
English language development for students that
are literate in the Spanish and Portuguese languages.
Stage |
Language Spelling Indicators |
Spelling Stage |
- Writing is not readable by others.
- There may be random strings of symbols (real or
- Letters may be in either case and used indiscriminately.
- There is no indication of letter-sound correspondence.
Spelling Stage |
- Spelling is characterized by first attempts at
letter-sound correspondence. It may be abbreviated,
with only one or two letters (usually consonants)
to represent a word, e.g. WK (walk), PO (piano), and
S (saw).
- Children show difficulty with vowels, e.g. FESH
- The writing may display spaces between words.
Spelling Stage |
- At this stage, spelling is not standard, but writing
is meaningful and can be read by others.
- All essential sounds may be represented by letters,
e.g. STIK (stick), TABL (table) and FLOR (floor).
- There may be substitutions of incorrect letters
with similar (or even the same) pronunciation. Actually,
these substitutions often indicate that the speller
is using a great deal of common sense. e.g. JRINK
(drink) and CHRAN (train).
- Nasal consonants may be omitted, e.g. STAP (stamp)
- Past tense may be represented in different ways,
e.g. PILD (peeled), LOOKT (looked) and TRADID (traded).
- Word segmentation and are clearly evident.
Spelling Stage |
- Spanish or Portuguese literate students (stage
3 in reading) at the beginning level of English acquisition
will most likely enter English spelling at this stage.
How well they communicate in American English is dependent
on their level of English proficiency.
- Writing reflects the influence
of Portuguese or Spanish on English. Portuguese
or Spanish vowels sounds may appear written in words.
Portuguese speakers usually substitute short [e] for
short [a] e.g. MEN for man and Spanish speakers short
[e]I for short [i]
- Common English letter sequences may be used. e.g.
- Vowel digraphs often appear with Portuguese or Spanish
spellings. e.g. Meike or meique (make)
- Inflectional endings (s, ‘s, ing, ed, est)
may not be spelled conventionally.
- Learned words appear more often.
or Conventional Spelling Stage |
- Knowledge of English proficiency by literate students
of Portuguese or Spanish matches the American orthographic
system. Spelling is firm. Most words are spelled correctly.
- The speller can often recognize a word that doesn’t
look right.
Adapted from:
- Gentry (1982) An Analysis of Developmental Spelling in
- The reading teacher. 36, 2, 1982. © Professor Maria
de Lourdes Serpa

Spelling Development
- Monolingual English
The following table reflects the stage of spelling indicators
for speakers of English as a first language.
Stage |
Indicators |
Spelling Stage |
- Writing is not readable by others.
- There may be random strings of symbols (real or
- Letters may be in either case and used indiscriminately.
- There is no indication of letter-sound correspondence.
Spelling Stage |
- Spelling is characterized by first attempts at letter-sound
correspondence. It may be abbreviated, with only one
or two letters (usually consonants for English speakers)
to represent a word, e.g. WK (walk), PO (piano), and
S (saw).
- Native English speaking children have great difficulty
with vowels, e.g. FESH (fish). ON the other hand,
Portuguese or Spanish do not
- The writing may display spaces between words.
Spelling Stage |
- All essential sounds may be represented by letters,
[e.g. STIK (stick), TABL (table) and FLOR (floor).]
- Spelling is not standard, but writing is meaningful
and can be read and understood by others.
- There may be substitutions of incorrect letters
with similar (or even the same) pronunciation. Actually,
these substitutions often indicate that the speller
is using a great deal of common sense. e.g. JRINK
(drink) and CHRAN (train).
- Nasal consonants may be omitted in English, e.g.
STAP (stamp)
- Past tense may be represented in different ways,
e.g. PILD (peeled), LOOKT (looked) and TRADID (traded).
- Word segmentation is clearly evident.
Spelling Stage |
- Writers may operate within the transitional stage
for long period of time and during this stage, visual
and morphemic strategies become more important.
- Vowels appear in every syllable. e.g. ELAFUNT
- Nasals appear before consonants. e.g. COMBO
- Common English letter sequences are used. e.g. YOUNITED.
- Vowel digraphs often appear. e.g. MAIK and MAYK
- Inflectional endings (s, ‘s, ing, ed, est)
are spelled conventionally.
- Correct letters may be used but in the incorrect
sequence. e.g. BECAUSE (because) and PLIAN (plain)
- Learned (sight) words appear more often.
or Conventional Spelling Stage |
- At this stage, knowledge of American [English] spelling
is firm. Most words are spelled appropriately.
- The speller can often recognize a word that doesn’t
look right.
- A large reservoir of words is spelled automatically.
Adapted from:
- Gentry (1982) An Analysis of Developmental Spelling in
- The reading teacher. 36, 2, 1982. © Professor Maria
de Lourdes Serpa